John de Ruiter Podcast 574

John de Ruiter Podcast 574

What is Real Love?

When: October 8, 2000 @ 12:00pm
A classic teaching to treasure: John responds to a question about love, revealing its unique qualities and its connection to truth.
“Love is the manifestation of truth, and there is no other.”
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Podcast Transcript

What is Real Love?

Q: What is real love?

John: It is the most wonderful and life-giving and healing energy in the universe. It cannot comprehend frustration. It cannot be bothered or bugged. It cannot be frustrated because love is not frustration. It cannot be provoked to be anything other than love. It doesn’t try to be itself; it cannot be anything other than itself.

It is kindness and tenderness without thought, without willfulness. It does not self-reflect; it does not consider itself. It doesn’t think. It doesn’t need to think; it already is. It has no end, so something that is not being love can push it and push it and push it, and it always, without thought or willfulness, remains the same. Pressure never changes it. Pressure only reveals its depth and its endlessness.

Love flourishes in fire. Anything that is not love always squirms in fire. It resists, it argues and complains, it gets frustrated, it gets nasty, it judges, it projects. When anything other than love is in the fire, it is everything other than lovely. Fire is the grand revealer of what is love and what is not. The hotter the fire, the more love flows and shines, and with anything other than love, when it is in the fire, then the hotter the fire the more that it screams and voices its torment within. With anything other than love that is in the fire, it produces inner dialogue. Love has no inner dialogue. It doesn’t need to think to be; it is already being. It needs no thought to be sustained, and yet it can most wonderfully express itself through thought.

Love cannot comprehend what a complaint is. When love dies, when it returns to its own source, it does so without the slightest squeak. When love dies and returns to its source, it does not leave a single trace. When truth is still, then there is no love; there is nothing but truth. You cannot see it, you cannot feel it, you cannot find it, but the moment that truth moves, just ever-so-slightly, then love exists. The movement of truth is love. Love is the manifestation of truth, and there is no other.

You’re incapable of doing it. When you’re being truth, the fruit of that is love. You can act loving, but when such acting gets crossed then it will be very unloving. When one is acting loving, put it under pressure and cross it and it will reveal its true nature – tightness.

Q: So is that what my heart is, tightness?

John: You know. What is your heart being?

Q: I don’t know this is true, but all I can say is love.

John: Your heart is being openness. The flow of that is love.

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