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John de Ruiter Podcast 296

John de Ruiter Podcast 296

Stillness in a Storm: Finding True Stability Within

When: October 30, 2011 @ 7:15pm
Where: ,
This questioner speaks of having no secure ground within and of not trusting others. John shows him how he can find real ground within, beneath his experience; that believing and being loyal to that knowing will bring real groundedness and stability whatever his experience.
“For you to believe knowing more than believing your self is a profound beginning for you. You’ll be knowing ground, within, that you know isn’t coming from your self.”
  • Stillness in a Storm: Finding True Stability Within 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

Stillness in a Storm: Finding True Stability Within

Q: I’m very insecure and I’m always dealing with feeling unsafe. It feels like I don’t have a lovely base in my life, and I can’t trust other persons. Can you say something about this for me?

John: Are you aware of there being more, within, than what you experience?

Q: I don’t know if I’m aware of this.

John: Do you know there’s more to reality than what you experience in your self?

Q: Yes, I know that there is more than the feelings, but I just know I’m not sure about.

John: You’re not sure about in your experience, but you know, within. So you know it’s there. You can’t see it, you don’t understand it, you can’t feel it. Believe it. Believe it, just because you know it. If you’re not believing what you’re knowing, you’ll be believing only what you’re experiencing, so then even though you know that there’s more to reality than you’re experiencing, you’ll confine your reality; you’ll confine reality to what you’re experiencing. So then you’ll make reality to be as small as your experience that you have in your self.

If you’re believing that you know that there’s more, even though you can’t see it, feel it, have thought in it, or experience it, then that is the beginning of your having ground, within, that isn’t subject to your experience of your self. And even though that may not seem to be practical to your self or practical in your life, there is nothing more practical, for you, than for you to believe that you know that there’s more; to believe your knowing of that ‘more’ in the midst of how you experience your self, in the midst of your insecurity. That makes real in you, and in your heart, that reality is secure and your knowing of that isn’t subject to your experience.

Live liking holding that knowing in your heart, especially in your feelings of insecurity and in your experience of your self. If you remain loyal to that, in time you will see that your feeling will change, your experience of your self will change and that you’ll begin to have an experience of security that you know, within, isn’t coming from your self. It’s coming into place in your self because you’re believing what you know the truth of, within, without having the evidence of it first. You’re believing it because you’re knowing it, and for you that’s enough. That gives you a stability that doesn’t come from your need of stability; a stability that comes from what is deeper, within, than what your self is.

For you to believe knowing more than believing your self is a profound beginning for you. Live by that and you’ll have the encouragement that comes with that, even though it doesn’t come until later. By the time it comes you won’t be needing it, which will have you loving the reality of it. You’ll be knowing ground, within, that you know isn’t coming from your self. You’ll be knowing that is coming from what is deeper, within, than what your self is, giving you a profound sense of groundedness and security without your self having to feel it.

Keep your loyalty as awareness within that, and you’ll discover what it is like to be stillness in a storm; to have your ground of being because of knowing, despite what kind of self you have, despite your conditioning and despite your past; that your stability and your grounded sense of realness, within, isn’t informed by what your self is. It’s informed by what you’re knowing, within.

Love doing right by your knowing that there’s more to reality than what your self is, that there’s more to reality than what you experience. Love doing right to your knowing of that by believing what you’re knowing. You’ll be coming into the results that you could not come into any other way so far. You’ll love the results because of what they come from, and you’ll love them also because of knowing that you didn’t actually even need them.

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