John de Ruiter Podcast 549

John de Ruiter Podcast 549

Soul Food: Difficulty and Pressure in a Polarized World

When: September 20, 2015 @ 2:00pm
“The food for your soul while you’re in a body is difficulty and pressure.” John explains why this is so, why the soul is so difficult to see until after we die, and what our soul’s evolution is dependent on.
“It is as you respond to knowing that your soul develops, and there’s no development of yours on any of your levels that matters before the development of your soul.”
  • Soul Food: Difficulty and Pressure in a Polarized World 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

Soul Food: Difficulty and Pressure in a Polarized World

Q: I wanted to ask if the being is the movement of the soul within consciousness, as consciousness.

John: Yes.

Q: You said to someone “your soul may be reduced.” What I understood is, if one does not respond to what one knows, one is unaware. When one is unaware, the movement of the soul is decreased, and as it decreased that means the soul is reduced. Is that so?

John: When awareness reacts against what it knows, the soul reduces. When awareness responds to what it knows, the soul increases. It increases in its development.

Q: What counts for development? Isn’t that awareness and movement?

John: Awareness moves by belief, and awareness isn’t able to stop moving. Awareness isn’t able to stop believing, but it can fundamentally shift from believing what it knows to believing what it holds to be true that it doesn’t know to be true. Awareness can believe the truth it knows. Awareness can believe the truth, within, or awareness can believe an illusion.

Q: A soul which is more aware is a developed soul?

John: The soul isn’t aware. It is a level of yours, an unseen level of yours. It is the form of your evolution as awareness, so it is an integral part of your awareness within any level that you are. It is intrinsic to everywhere you are. Because it is within every level of yours, every unseen form of yours, it’s most difficult to read. It’s most difficult to be aware of because it has no contrast. It’s equally everywhere. It is equally present in all of your levels, awakened to and not.

While you’re in a body, it’s the most difficult level of yours for you to be aware of. It’s the most difficult level to identify. It’s the most difficult level for you to read, for you to see, but after you’ve died, in the next, it is your most prominently seen level. It prominently shows within all of your levels. Anyone who meets you instantly reads your soul in all of your being. It displays, to you and all, the entirety of your relationship as awareness to all you’ve known and all you know. It reveals its every movement.

Q: Is that what we see in you? Because when you say, “I come from deeper”, I tell myself deeper is coming. Am I in the process of knowing my soul?

John: And you don’t need to.

Q: What do I need to?

John: Respond to what you know. As awareness, be one with what you know. That movement determines your soul.

Q: Am I responding?

John: Are you?

Q: Yes.

John: It is as you respond to knowing that your soul develops, and there’s no development of yours on any of your levels that matters before the development of your soul.

Your response as awareness to what you know is what develops your soul, and the development of your soul matters more than any other development of yours, on any level of yours. Any development that doesn’t register in the development of your soul is development that will pass away. It will be development for naught. It will be development at the expense of your soul.

While you’re in a body, your soul is an unseen form of yours that is the most difficult to see, the last for you to see, because it isn’t at all what you need to see. Your most important development is determined by your movement as awareness. You don’t need to know your development; you need to know your most fundamental movement.

The food for your soul while you’re in a body is difficulty and pressure. The greater the difficulty and the pressure when you’re in response to knowing, the more deeply you’re drawing from within. And when you’re not in response to what you know, it is pressure and difficulty that erode you because it is what you’ll use to draw most deeply upon the illusions that you believe.

Q: I wish we knew more of that ten years ago.

John: Now you know, and you’re not dead yet.

If you create difficulty for the sake of difficulty, you believe in illusion. It isn’t about response to difficulty or the creation of difficulty. It’s all about your response to what you know as you move in and through your self, in and through this world. And whatever difficulty there is in that, right there is the axis point of the development of your soul.

It really isn’t about the difficulty at all. It’s all about you, awareness, being one with what you know, and being that in the midst of your self and your life. Oneness moving in the midst of polarity is what develops your soul. The only time that there’s erosion is when you, awareness, polarize.

Having a polarized self within a polarized environment in a polarized world is all a gift to oneness, for oneness to be and move in: you, one with what you know. Its movement is the movement of your being. Its movement is love, and its movement, which you cannot see, is also the development of your soul, which later you’ll see.

For now, what is to be seen is your being manifesting in your self because you are moving as one with what you know.

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