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John de Ruiter Podcast 578

John de Ruiter Podcast 578

Connecting to Your Deepest Power, Within

When: October 30, 2011 @ 2:00pm
Where: ,
The woman in this dialogue receives encouragement from John to keep moving forward in what she knows deep within, even when there’s a fear of not being strong enough to continue.
“Make all of your steps forward in what you’re knowing to be and to do, and every help that you actually need of what is deeper, within, will come through.”
  • Connecting to Your Deepest Power, Within 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

Connecting to Your Deepest Power, Within

Q: After the last meeting in Cologne with you, I made changes and I want to do more changes, but I have a fear to do these changes because I don’t know if I’m strong enough.

John: You are.

Q: I know there is a power in my deep and I can’t contact, yet. Would you please help me to contact that power?

John: You have its support because you know it’s there. Make all of your steps forward in what you’re knowing to be and to do, and every help that you actually need of what is deeper, within, will come through.

Any help that you actually need from this power, within, will come up. It will come through. It will meet you, perhaps not in the way that you want and perhaps not in the way that you feel or think, but if you’re sensitive to the subtleties of how that power within moves, you will see its support. There will be instances where you will think that you most need its support where you don’t actually need it, and there will be other instances where you think that you don’t need its support and yet it will still come up and come through and show. What you think in your self of how you need it and when you need it isn’t accurate, but the way that this power deep within does move and when is accurate. You can trust it.

Your stepping forward in what you do know isn’t at all too much for you. It is just right for you. It is just right. It is really in balance for you. It’s really good for you. You can’t use your experience of difficulty as a measurement as to whether it’s good for you or right for you, or not. All that you can use is what you know, within, of what is in balance for you and good for you. You can’t use your own experience to judge it. You need to use what you know within to judge it, and by that knowledge within, you move, you be and you do.

The measure of difficulty that you go through in your self because of that is wonderfully secondary. Whatever the difficulty is, it isn’t too much. You’re not knowing too much. What you know, within, is true. For you to be that and do that is then also not too much. It is really good. Your capacity in this is much greater than the capacity you have in your self. Your capacity of heart is greater than the capacity in your self. As soon as your whole heart is in what you know, you have what you need, and a greater power that is within and that is deeper than what your heart is will come through, revealing to you that what you are deep within is greater than your heart. Your heart is greater than your self and what you are in your being is greater than what you are in your heart. What you are in what is deeper than what your being is, is even greater than what you are in your being. Your stepping with all of your heart into what you know, to be and do what you know, will be drawing from the level of you, within, that you need. It works. It doesn’t work to the satisfaction of your self. It does work to the satisfaction of you in what is deeper, within. What you are, within, in what is deeper than your self, will strengthen and grow. It will develop and evolve. All of that will in time manifest not just in your heart. It will manifest with changes in your self and beautiful changes in your life. It will all be a credit to what you know.

You’ll have the best heart understanding of this after you have gone through it. You won’t have it before you have gone through it. You won’t have the benefit of heart understanding, the clarity of heart understanding, before you have gone through all of the difficulty. You’ll have a depth of heart understanding after you have sustained being and doing what you know, within, through all of the measures of difficulty. You’ll not only see your self differently, you’ll see and understand others differently.

You’re able in your heart and in your self to fully live for what you know because you know the truth of what you know. That is the first everything. It encompasses everything of what you first are that is able to manifest, in all of its most subtle power, in the rest of what you are…all the way through into your self and into your life. Your self might be little because you’ve kept it little, but what you really are, within, in what is deeper than what your self is, isn’t little. From within that, you are able.

Being what you know the truth of, within, is easy. There’s no difficulty in that. When your whole heart is in and given to and absorbed by what you know the truth of, within, that has you coming into something of your own being, and it is with ease. The difficulty in that is only if your whole heart isn’t in, isn’t given to it. With wholeheartedness in what you know, within, there is only ease of being. It is doing within your self what you know the truth of in your heart that comes with measurable difficulty. The less that your self is what your own being is like, the greater the difficulty you’ll have in doing what you know the truth of, within, in your self, and the difficulty, the difficulty of doing what you know in your self and in your life is never too much for you. It will be too much for your comfort, but that comfort in your self isn’t what you need. It’s doing what you know, within, in your self and in your life that you do need.

Whatever the cost is of that isn’t too much. Whatever the cost is, is just right for you in your self and in your life. The cost enables you to experience the depth of your own realness, your own realness that you’re drawing from, in being and doing in your self what is different than what your self is, yet real for your self. It is the cost in your self that gives new realness form in your self.

The cost of something is what enables you within your self and within your life to be able to realize the value of something. That holds true all the way through to superficial things. When you work long and hard for something and you finally achieve it, you really know its value, enabling you to take care of it. But if the same would be simply given to you without your earning it or working for it, you won’t be appreciating its actual value and you also won’t easily be taking care of it. A bigger self will never be gifted to you. A bigger self than what you have is, for anyone, earned, and it is through difficulty, real difficulty, that it’s earned.

What you’re realizing and knowing to be and do in your self and in your life is true to what you know…both beautiful and good. After you have earned it is when you’ll most experience the beauty and the goodness of it. Your self is already a little bit bigger than what it was.

There is no separation from difficulty, pain, and suffering in your self. When you realize something of your own being, even a little bit, there is in that the realization of no difficulty, no pain and no suffering. Applying that in your self and in your life isn’t the same. To have a self is the same as to have difficulty. If you don’t deal with your self, you’ll have the difficulty of securing a little self. If you move past having a little self, you’ll have the difficulty of earning and coming into a bigger self. What you are able to be is the ease of being – the no difficulty, the no pain, and the no suffering of being – in the midst of the difficulty, the pain, and the suffering of having a self, and being and doing what you know the truth of in your self and in your life. The application of being, in your self, is only with difficulty. Being is with ease. The application of being, in your self, is with difficulty, and it’s not too much.

You are seeing differently: a seeing that doesn’t come from your self, a seeing that does come from what is deeper, within, than your self. This seeing is a support for you, but this support will pass. Your knowing in the seeing is your greatest support that will not pass. In your darkest and heaviest times the knowing, within, that you have – your knowing within the seeing – is your real footing. Keep your feet in your knowing, within, especially in the darkest and the heaviest of times. The darkest and the heaviest of times will pass and your self will be the bigger for it. Keep your feet in this, not in your experience of this but in your knowing of the truth of this, and when you have passed through your dark times and your heavy times, you will love that you were being and doing what you knew the truth of regardless of darkness, of heaviness and of cost, and you’ll love what you have turned your self into. You’ll love the results even though you didn’t do it for result. You did it because you knew, and knowing was enough for you to do it.

What you are seeing and what you are experiencing as you’re sitting there is a gift to you. Your being and doing what you are knowing and what you are seeing and experiencing…your being and doing what you’re knowing…makes what is gifted to you yours.

You don’t have yet the kind of self that is required for you to be able to sustain the seeing and the experience, but you do have it in you, in what is deeper within than what your self is, for you to be what you’re knowing. You are able to be and do what you’re knowing while the seeing and the experience passes. That has you realizing what you first are, within; realizing the truth of it and actualizing the truth of it in your self.

You keep reaching for more and by that you keep coming into what is more. The power of that is with assistance. The truth of that, the truth of that remaining when all of this is gone, is without assistance. It is through and in your darkest times that the truth of this is most evident, most real to what you know, despite the terrible difficulty of it in your self.

As you’re sitting there, you keep believing knowing and that keeps extending your reach into this power, within, awakening you. As you are coming into you in what is deeper than you in your self, as you’re coming into this and awakening to this, reality is now different for you. You can’t be the same anymore, and the existence of your little self has little effect on this.

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