John de Ruiter Podcast 580

John de Ruiter Podcast 580

Becoming a Scientist of Love

When: January 2, 2004 @ 2:00pm
“You know what it is to be intelligent; do you know what it is to be a being?” Step by step, John shows how to explore our being, filling what is known intellectually with its extraordinary qualities.
“You are able with such care to intellectually ascend into your being.”
  • Becoming a Scientist of Love 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

Becoming a Scientist of Love

Q: What I wanted to ask, what I would like to invite you to share with me is about knowing. For me, knowing is like a cloud. I believe that if I can be clearer with my knowing then everything will fall into place? And I know when I know, but I don’t really know what that knowing is, and I know that I know a lot.

John: You are able with such care to intellectually ascend into your being. You are beginning with the little that you do comprehend of profound knowing and using that, so carefully, with all of your heart quieted and all of your mind opened, handling little bits of the much that you do know with the little bit that you already comprehend.

Q: What I’ve recently noticed is that there’s a big gap between my understanding or my seeing and the love and the care that I bring into form. I’m very quick to judge. Is it enough to take more care?

John: Yes, by combining your use of intelligence with your knowing within of beingness. Do you know yourself as a being? You know what it is to be intelligent; do you know what it is to be a being? That’s different than being a person.

Q: When you ask me like that I feel the stillness inside, the presence inside.

John: There is an entire reality to that: you discovering your being, discovering your beingness, discovering your beingness that fills and moves your person, with you being able to isolate that in your awareness so that you can explore just that. You have explored your person. Have you explored your being, isolating what you are as a being and exploring it with your heart and with your intelligence?

Q: I know what my person is and I know when I know something. And I have this feeling of a presence which I call the being, but I can’t describe the being more than that.

John: How much of your person are you able to be conscious of that presence filling?

Q: I know that that’s a way of transforming the person, my person, and I know that that’s where I would love to go. So the answer is not very much at the moment.

John: For what we are sharing, this isn’t about the transformation of your person; this is about your realization of your being and what you are as a being. How much are you able to identify a non-personal intimacy within, that when you do identify it, it makes you feel very personal with extraordinary wholesomeness? It has much more than just presence to it, but it begins with that. Identify that presence within, isolate it from what you are as a person, and then very sensitively allow that presence to be filled, not with your person but with something else that is available to you, which is your beingness.

You give that presence form by realizing such qualities as gentledness. You are able to tangibly fill that presence with your inner you. You are able to give substance to it. It is like you finding what you know is holy within, and then you being the goodness that fills it. In doing so, you discover how to move as a being. It is only while sustaining that, that you can access all of your knowing, isolating its most relevant parts and comprehending it.

Q: I don’t have the words to express the gratitude I have, John. You shine a light inside that shows me things I never knew were there.

John: Isolate that, love isolating that and fill it with the same. The more that you are being it, instead of just it being there as a presence, the more form it has and you’ll be able to slowly move within as that. It is with you being that and including your intellect while you are being that, that you then comprehend what you know. It isn’t your mind that comprehends knowing, although you do know in your mind. It is beingness with the mind, you being what a being is while including the mind. As that you can comprehend what you know. It is with what you are as a being that you address what you know, and in that, when you include the use of your intellect, then what you are doing sticks, then holds in you.

There is already form to what you are as a being. Realize that form by isolating it and filling it. As you are doing that, when you include your intellect, that gives it even more form. It is like you as awareness turning into the form of a being, clearly distinguishable from that of a person, and then you as that being consciously becoming something like a scientist of love; you as an identified being working with both knowing and the intellect. You won’t be comprehending with thinking, although you really will be thinking. You’ll be comprehending with all of the identifiable parts that you actually are. To really comprehend is to become. That expands and brings together much more than just your thinking and your mind.

It requires more than just integrity. Integrity as a person cannot do this. It is only integrity as a being that is identified, that can do this. For that you have to first realize what you as a being, beginning with even the tiniest little bit within that is already clearly that, and then you being the filling of that, not with what you’re familiar with, but with what that little bit already is. You fill it with more by you being it more.

This is entirely different than that of being a person. You cannot use the person to identify the being, just as you cannot use the person to fill the being. There is a form to beingness; it is you then identifying that form. It is a something in you: you identifying that something, and as you’re being that, that fills your person.

Q: I’m looking forward to putting it into practice.

John: Look forward to finding it and then filling it.

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