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Month: October

JdR Audio 350

“Your self is transforming from the inside out because of you being from the inside out.”

JdR Audio 351

“It is all coming. All of what this means is coming. All of what that will mean to you as a being, to you as a self in this life, is coming.”



JdR Audio 349

“From level to level, seamlessly moving to the next, it all holds together … as music. So what you really are is not your personality, not your self, not your heart, not your being, not what is before your being, but the music of it all.”


JdR Audio 348

“The new brain is really for the beyond, the beyond all here: the beyond with a brain, in person.”


The questioner’s father had a stroke, resulting in a new openness in him, and a sweetness that wasn’t there before. John explains how to come from your heart in the midst of a damaged body, in sickness and old age.

This conversation addresses destiny. Does it just happen or can we do something to change it? John explains how it can only be changed with a shift of awareness: away from our emotional makeup into what we know the truth of in our heart, bringing stability, freedom and healing that before seemed impossible.

This questioner speaks of having no secure ground within and of not trusting others. John shows him how he can find real ground within, beneath his experience; that believing and being loyal to that knowing will bring real groundedness and stability whatever his experience.

This questioner had an awakening which he hoped his Buddhist spiritual practice would open further. He feels stuck and wants to know how he can move forward. John explains that his awakening caused a shift in orientation that does not yet match the self that he has, the result being an ache felt deeply in his heart. John shows him the shift that is needed: a surrender beyond his understanding to the knowing in his heart.

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