Month: May

Q: I have a question about sexuality. My question is how, as a parent, to guide an adolescent in a correct way, in a good way, into their sexual power? John: Sexuality is for communion, but it’s typicallly related to as an appetite. Its introduction…

As parents, how to guide children with their sexuality? John explains the true purpose of sexuality, how to access deeper sexuality and how to guide a child who is entering puberty, offering comprehension of what sexuality is for.

Q: I can’t really ask a question or something, it is just a fear. There is so much fear inside me, of being alone and I can’t really… John: When you fear being alone, that makes you lonely. When within, you let yourself completely relax into…
Q: I would really like to continue the conversation we had earlier about relationship, when you said that in a dear relationship you move as one heart. Is it that a new heart is being created from the two of us? John: Yes, similar…
Q: I told you about the experience I had which took me into the centre of something, as if I were a magnet. That starts to happen when I’m in that solidity of knowing. Is it to just be in that solidity? John: Yes….

The experience of chaos may follow heart-understanding of what we know and are born for. John explains how to be beautifully undaunted.


JdR Audio 238

Openness and softness of heart is the cosmic plug in, both to your own being and for the actual opportunity that you are in a body for.




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