Month: May

Q: I would really like to continue the conversation we had earlier about relationship, when you said that in a dear relationship you move as one heart. Is it that a new heart is being created from the two of us? John: Yes, similar…
Q: I told you about the experience I had which took me into the centre of something, as if I were a magnet. That starts to happen when I’m in that solidity of knowing. Is it to just be in that solidity? John: Yes….

The experience of chaos may follow heart-understanding of what we know and are born for. John explains how to be beautifully undaunted.


JdR Audio 238

Openness and softness of heart is the cosmic plug in, both to your own being and for the actual opportunity that you are in a body for.




JdR Audio 237

Things are not as they appear to be. Everything is really only as you know it to be, regardless of appearances.”


JdR Audio 236

The more clean you are in awakening to your own being, the more you’ll be able to move your own being toward others. Your evolution as awareness is in the purity of that, it’s in the cleanness.

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