Month: May

In this dialogue with John a question is asked about how to understand a woman’s mystery.

An ever-so-sweet conversation in which a man shares the unease he feels around women.

Q: I wanted to speak with you about my connection to women in my life. I’m used to ease in different areas in my life and looking back I see that getting in touch with women, meeting women, connecting with women had been hard…
Q: I was very touched by the image you gave of a sail boat. I can relate to that because I’ve done a lot of sailing, but I would like to know more about being in touch with the keel, and how to stay…
Q: Hi John. I would like to talk with you about your concept about relationships, because I know you are very clear that first it’s a long time to get to know each other, and then marry, and then have sex. To me the…


JdR Audio 307

“Higher truth has to do with the unseen, bigger picture. You can’t come into higher truth without being deeper truth. Being what’s deeper is what takes you higher.”

Q: For me to have the new code of a relaxed awareness, I need to encompass more. John: Then love not from yesterday. Q: What I’m looking for, would that be by awareness alone, without the use of my mind? John: What you’re looking…
Q: I have insomnia now for four years, and I was wondering if there’s anything that I can do in my daily life to positively contribute to falling asleep, instead of me relating to tension and stress, to see that there’s an opportunity to…



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