Month: June

JdR Audio 087

“For you to awaken, know within where you have not known before. As soon as you know, enter.”

JdR Audio 097

“When your heart is assimilated into this, this that is completely different than your person and the self that you live in, through assimilation your face and your eyes open. They open because they belong to this. Your face and your eyes are conditioned to belonging to your person. Through assimilation they don’t belong to your person any more. Your face and your eyes, because of what you are as awareness in your heart, belong to what precedes your conditioning.”

JdR Audio 085

“The two of you together as meaning aware, all the way through from your being to your body.”

JdR Audio 086

“When what occurs in dying is already done in your living, you’ll be fulfilling your own innermost, your own indefinable clarity that is unbroken in dying.”

JdR Audio 083

“Blessed be the planting of your self within ground that cannot die.”

JdR Audio 023

• Profoundly real relationship requires the whole of you
• The resonance of a most high circle in you
• Cherishing never – even in the tiniest things – fooling yourself
• Your ability functions consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously

JdR Audio 022

• Meaning finds its feet in expression
• Many levels and dimensions in your body
• Loving learning nurtures meaning in you
• A lovely, lovely disseminator of meaning

JdR Audio 021

• Meaning finds its feet in expression
• Many levels and dimensions in your body
• Loving learning nurtures meaning in you
• A lovely, lovely disseminator of meaning

JdR Audio 020

• Enjoying no longer spoiling yourself
• Being meaning, delighted with your own encouragement
• Liking that you see, not what you see
• Knowing much means being much means doing much

JdR Audio 019

• Establishing meaning in your self
• Fulfilling the depth and breadth of all of the self
• Meaning meeting meaning is holy meaning
• Realized individual source

JdR Audio 018

• Anchored in ability and certainty, instead of an abstract process
• Exploiting reality is self-distorting
• Comforts are a reprieve for you to know more delicate meaning
• Profound reality is truly real in you

JdR Audio 017

• Having and keeping no self-created boundaries
• Open and willing to master your self
• Looking for meaning is looking to meet you
• Growing and evolving in being meaning

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