Month: July









In this detailed and at times humorous dialogue, John reveals the magical bonds of being that occur when one spectrum of consciousness encounters another.

Is there a way to enter completely the stillness and beauty known in the deeper levels of the body? John describes what’s required, and how living from this level may manifest in person, in life.

JdR Audio 393

“No one is needed in what this is until there is response to what this is. Through response, what this is is coming into this world. Those who are awakened to it are needed.”

Audio selections from the Special Editions CD category created from 2011-2014 to feature seminal dialogues previously available only at the Edmonton store.

Recorded July 10, 2011

A delicate and complex issue is opened up that goes to the heart of a family dilemma: is it right to prolong the life of a parent who doesn’t always want to live? Who decides? John and the questioner deeply consider every angle together in search of real clarity.

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