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Month: August


This person is impacted by what’s so dear to her heart and John describes how dearness has immediate access to anything it awakens to.

JdR Audio 247

“When you are in full response to what you know, you must have. When on a deeper level you must have, there is no time.”

Q: I cracked wide open today with a lot of flooding of emotion. I see clearly how self-indulgent it is to waver in that place of being in presence and being invited to go there completely but still playing in the mind and emotions….
Q: You said to me last time that you saw a lot of holes. John: In your self. Q: Yes, can you say more of what you meant by that? John: That you’re able to close them. You close them by not using them….
Q1: Can I ask you about what’s happening, what’s occurring for me in the deep? I was in a realization, but it was a new sense of realization. I could viscerally feel it in my body and the realization was that I don’t need my…

Debra Turner of Byron FM in Byron Bay, Australia held a live interview with John on her show: “Love Life Laughter.”



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