Month: April

Q: My father died last year and since then my mother has become very unhappy and dependent on me. I’m with her a lot. I often feel her unhappiness and it makes me physically ill. John: She doesn’t need you. She needs to be…

How can a person make the shift from self-centredness to being the magicalness of what we really are? John shares what stands in the way, giving vivid examples of how to live in the midst of our preferences in a way that creates a real and beautiful self.

Finding home, within, is a painful struggle for this person. Even being in the world is difficult. John shows her an easy way to be genuinely at home, within, and live from a real, eternal quality of life.

Q: We’re having a baby. I really feel the baby is going to be our greatest teacher. John: Having a baby will strengthen whatever orientation you presently have. Q: Will it? It won’t be the opposite? John: If you are giving heed to the specialness of what’s there,…
Q: We have a lot of stress at home because my husband doesn’t have full time work. We’ve talked about how he gets himself into these situations, but he doesn’t seem to want to hear anything from me. It’s his learning, but it’s also very…
Q: My question is about how to be in the ending of a relationship. My partner has decided it’s not right for him to be with me and I’m ready to let go, to see the good in what is there between us and…

Experiencing intimacy in nature comes easily for the man in this dialogue, but not so in being with people, to say nothing of sexual intimacy. John describes the value of remaining in the intimate space that opens for him in nature, despite the sense of vulnerability he may experience in himself.

What does it take to return to the genuineness of a child after years of covering it up? John describes the fundamental shift that, sustained, returns us to the sunshine at our core.



JdR Audio 384

“Be taken by the unknown as soon as it’s touched in you … being the quietude that is honest to the core. That quietude is free of your life. What that quietude awakens of knowledge gets to have all of you and all that’s yours.”


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