Location: Tiruvannamalai

The questioner touches on her difficulty in dealing with and taking on other people’s pain. John explains that taking other people’s pain increases their pain, and that the only real way to end the cycle is to first address the cycle of pain and guilt in herself. The dialogue deepens and unfolds into the following topics:

  • Being quietly okay in the midst of pain.
  • Letting go of listening to your self.
  • Openness and softness of heart.
  • Not to live taking to heart what you feel but taking to heart beingness that you most quietly know within.

In this Q&A dialogue, John speaks about how to stay in the heart when others attack or offend you.
The dialogue covers several topics including:
• Reactivity and polarization. The reactivity betrays a false, illusory investment.
• Being honest to your self blinds you.
• Being beautifully vulnerable: No filters, no boundaries, no shields, no protection of any kind – you will feel everything. Everything that touches your self from anyone, from anything, is free to go right into you, right through you.
• Instead of reacting – open. When someone loves you – open. When someone is nasty to you – open. Then you are being what you really are.

In this Q&A dialogue the questioner ask about her fear of death. John speaks on several topics including:
• Speak of what you like, instead of saying what you don’t like.
• Thrive in what you like on every level, right down to the really little things.

A detailed and sometimes humorous teaching on how to remain open however someone treats you.

In this Q&A dialogue the questioner ask about Enlightenment. John then defines enlightenment and speaks about the following:
• Purity of heart is of the greatest value, it can’t be compared.
• Purity of heart is more than the Sum of All Awakenings.
• Falling and getting back up.
• Nothing prevents you from being what you really are. You can be it in the darkest night. In any kind of fire.
• What purifies the heart is being what you know.

Positive experience, negative experience, no experience. John shares why experience doesn’t matter, and the value of being quietly at peace, within.

In this Q&A dialogue, the questioner speaks about the emptiness in his heart. He brings it up because he is experiencing a hole, an emptiness, the source of all his addictions, wanting to fill it, and being a victim of it. Watch the video to find out what John says about that emptiness, regardless and despite the distractions one may experience.

In this talk John speaks on topics relating to the health benefits of our own being, including: Being what you really are at any cost – being like the being, is better for the body than really good food. You thrive on you, not on food.

JdR Audio 322

“Reality is changing. As we are being what we really are, we change as reality changes. What we really are changes.”




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