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Location: Munich

Q: I see that I often take responsibility for things which are not my responsibility. Can you help me figure out what real responsibility is in daily life? John: Having real responsibility in your life opens when all of your responsibility belongs to the…

This conversation addresses destiny. Does it just happen or can we do something to change it? John explains how it can only be changed with a shift of awareness: away from our emotional makeup into what we know the truth of in our heart, bringing stability, freedom and healing that before seemed impossible.

This questioner had an awakening which he hoped his Buddhist spiritual practice would open further. He feels stuck and wants to know how he can move forward. John explains that his awakening caused a shift in orientation that does not yet match the self that he has, the result being an ache felt deeply in his heart. John shows him the shift that is needed: a surrender beyond his understanding to the knowing in his heart.



JdR Audio 207

“The veils reflect reality back to reality, enhancing it’s own development until reality is able to perceive beyond it’s own reflection. Your response to your own real reflection enables you to see what you are, enabling you then to see beyond.”


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