Location: Edmonton

Q: I love the truth of what I am beyond my preferences. I can see my inner face in yours and it’s like being in open sunshine. How can I open more to my shadows – those parts of me that I’ve separated from?…




Q: What is real love? John: It is the most wonderful, life-giving and healing energy in the universe. It cannot comprehend frustration. It cannot be bothered or bugged. It cannot be frustrated, because love is not frustration. It cannot be provoked to be anything…

A woman is experiencing a new, subtle sexuality in her body not connected to want and need but to qualities of dearness and love. John speaks about this deeper sexuality, its connection to her heart, her being, and how it all empowers her deeper womanness – the ability to meet and commune.

Q: I don’t want to stay in my patterned ways of relating, and the best way I know is not to let arguments persist. John: For arguments to become fewer you would have to learn to argue well. For you to learn to argue…
Q: I have this question about innocence. All those things that we do to our selves and to other people … do they leave marks? Do they go away? John: Never. Did you see the movie ‘The Gladiator’? What he said is true: that…

This vivid conversation dives into the topic of a real relationship to power. John describes how most of us live as both victims and perpetrators. We create a life of stories and illusion, losing the opportunity to awaken and, more importantly, to build on that awakening before we die. He reveals the fundamental simplicity and rare value of living a real life.

JdR Audio 350

“Your self is transforming from the inside out because of you being from the inside out.”

JdR Audio 351

“It is all coming. All of what this means is coming. All of what that will mean to you as a being, to you as a self in this life, is coming.”


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