Location: Edmonton

Q1: I come from the States, and my question is about my connection to our society. I’ve never been political but I feel a sense of connection and therefore would like to be part of moving things in a more positive direction than I…

What is the relationship for, what needs to go and what needs to thrive? John gives the couple in this dialogue a new purpose: to be a love team. He shows them how it will take them into a relationship of real belonging, mutual enchantment and adoration.

Q: I’ve recently welcomed into my home a family member who is an addict. Normally I’m a fairly balanced person, but now there’s uncertainty about how to manage everything and support her. I feel both resentment and great love. I’m struggling with how to…
Q: If I’m true in what my heart is wanting and desiring, it’s to have a child. It’s probably been six years since I’ve had a partner and I’m forty-four next month. I’m wondering whether to do it on my own, with insemination. I…


Our sense of freedom and individuality is exposed as illusory in this dialogue. John shows the questioner the key to the potential of our selves: the freedom of awareness confined to knowing, and further, that recognized sameness is the way to true individuality. This seeming paradox enables conductivity – the instant connection and free streaming of knowledge through our selves and beyond.


JdR Audio 353

“Only higher level oneness can get through a higher level oneness gate. It’s all veiled until it’s embodied. Through that embodiment the veils dissipate. That’s a change in reality, a shift in the universe. It changes everything.”





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