Location: Edmonton


A questioner feeling embarrassed about her use of words opens a profound teaching that reaches through the heart all the way into the soul and spirit. Explaining that her words are a result of tightness in her heart, John reveals the way that all of her heart’s distortion can come apart and ultimately lead to the healing of her soul.

JdR Audio 359

“Everything responds to intimacy of being. Everything wakes up to intimacy of being. When intimacy transcends the being and moves as spirit the response in everything is much more. It highlights all real connectivity.”





This dialogue explores the topic of mind: what is subtle mind? Universal mind? What about our patterned mind, and what transforms it? John reveals the role of innocence and unconditional openness in having a mind free of patterns – an intimate, living, subtle mind.

Q: John, I’m curious about how you were awakened. How did you remember who you are? John: When I was seventeen, outside of my room at home, I deeply, deeply wondered. I wondered: what is it that is so much more than anything I’ve…

JdR Audio 358

“The first intimacy, is as awareness, with knowledge. As soon as you first know the truth of something, the very first opportunity that you have – which is the greatest – is for you, awareness, to be completely intimate with that knowledge, which means that you intimately let that new knowledge take you.”



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