Location: Edmonton



This conversation highlights the difference between awakening and full embodiment: the first is easily come by, but the second is rare and requires an unusual depth of character.


Have you ever felt the disturbing influence of something deep within that you don’t understand? In this dialogue, John speaks of the calling, a profound movement of the truth, within, its purpose, and the effect on an individual self as the forms of illusion fall away.

Q: I love what you say about the self being only the vehicle through which innocence and purity naturally express. At the beginning of our relationship, we were both aware of playing a kind of ping-pong game, where the energy went back and forth…


What is the purpose of the will? Is anger ever justified? Multiple participants engage in this illuminating dialogue about personal will and the potential for true being that exists in no longer needing to have ‘your way’.

How is a community formed if it’s not moved by intention? A question about love opens a conversation about the oneness at the heart of real community.

This conversation highlights the difference between awakening and full embodiment: the first is easily come by, but the second is rare and requires an unusual depth of character.


Meditation, spiritual traditions, mantras … do they really work? As John explains, there is a living mantra, but you won’t hear it in words.

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