Location: Amsterdam

Q: I would like to deepen the connection between me and my child, and be more aware in it. Can you help me to do that? John: Be really seen. Reveal your heart and give your heart without embellishment, so that when you’re giving…
Q: For some time I’ve been feeling that my purpose on earth is to help people heal, not as much physically as spiritually. What inside of me needs to open or develop to be able to do so? John: You’re wanting to help people…
Q: It’s a rare opportunity to sit with someone like you and I’m trying to think of the best question. Is there a benefit in verbally asking a question and being answered? John: Anything that is real is worth it.    Q: I’ve read…

This questioner can feel daunted by the effects she fears her changing orientation might have on those she loves. How to live it in the workplace, too? There is a cost, John agrees, but with a gift just beneath it. He clarifies for her how to be in her changes with others.

How can we manifest the divine? Before you can ascend, you must descend and remain in the quiet deep. As you sustain this in your life you dissolve the barrier between the conscious and the subconscious, eliminating the polarity of what fundamentally drives you; hope and fear. Existing beyond hope and fear, gently letting go of the neediness in the self, leaves you being everything that you’ve been looking for.

How can we find joy in life? Isn’t that what life is all about? In this dialogue, John explains that when you believe the noise in your self, you’re fundamentally unhappy because you’re not being what you really are. Joy is actually the beingness of the real you, and the manifestation of that is as simple as falling asleep.

Q: I do a lot, but it also feels good to do, or a lot of things I do I think I know to do them, but it’s a lot and I feel tired, so I don’t know really how to handle this well,…
Q: My awareness has been balancing on a thread. In the beginning, I was very occupied with not falling from the thread and balancing. Now I don’t really know where I am anymore. I was wondering if you could say something about that. John: Seemingly…
Q: Hello, John. I have a question. Is there such a thing as a personal soul or is it just one soul? John: How do you mean? Q: There is a personal ego on this earth and so a lot of religions said that…

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