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John de Ruiter Podcast 297

John de Ruiter Podcast 297

Change Your Destiny

When: October 30, 2011 @ 7:15pm
Where: ,
This conversation addresses destiny. Does it just happen or can we do something to change it? John explains how it can only be changed with a shift of awareness: away from our emotional makeup into what we know the truth of in our heart, bringing stability, freedom and healing that before seemed impossible.
“You can change your destiny by changing what it is that you’re coming from, within.”
  • Change Your Destiny 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

Change Your Destiny

Q: I had this spontaneous feeling to ask about destiny: how to find it, or does it come on its own?

John: It doesn’t come on its own. What comes on its own is whatever it is that you’re presently coming from. Whatever it is within that you’re coming from – whether it’s real or not real, true within, or untrue within – you are destined to have more of that.

You can change your destiny by changing what it is that you’re coming from within.
If you’re coming from your emotional makeup, that will tell you what your destiny is – what you are making your destiny in. If, in the midst of coming from an emotional makeup in how you feel in your self you begin to notice that you know something more within that’s deeper than that, you begin to notice subtleties within that you know the truth of in your heart that have nothing to do with your emotional makeup. As you begin to take these subtleties to heart, as you begin to believe what you’re knowing the truth of in your heart, you are then coming from something different, within, than what you’re accustomed to. That is a change of destiny. You’re making that change of destiny.

It doesn’t come without your shift of awareness, within; shifting your awareness away from your emotional makeup to whatever it is that you know the truth of in your heart that has nothing to do with your emotional makeup. What that shift of awareness, the evidence of a change in your destiny is that you’ll begin to feel somewhat differently. Instead of feeling according to your emotional makeup, you begin to feel something that you know the truth of in your heart.

As you continue to come from that, you’ll be putting your feet in that. You’ll begin to have your own ground no longer in your emotional makeup. You’ll be having your ground in what you’re knowing the truth of in your heart. What you know the truth of in your heart may not be much, but it is of greater value than your entire present emotional makeup.

As you let your own awareness rest in that, your whole destiny will be changing. You’ll come into a stability in your self that you’re not used to, and it wasn’t by doing something in your self. You’ll have a restedness of heart even in the midst of emotional upset or emotional disturbance. You’ll be getting to know what you really are in the depth of your heart. You’ll be getting to know freedom, within, from which you couldn’t free your self before … that seemed just not possible.

The very best of it, in such a change of destiny, is that you know the truth of it. You’ll know that it’s not experimental. You’ll know the realness of it, within, within that change of destiny that you’ll know didn’t just come on its own. It came by your own shift of awareness and that it is your healing. It heals your self and it heals your emotional makeup, and you’ll be able to give it to others. Your own change of destiny will awaken others.

In one way you’ll be sad and somewhat pained that it has taken you so long to realize it, and in another way you’ll be happy and delighted at its realness and that it’s happening.

Q: Thank you.

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