Year: 2023

JdR Audio 405

For you to be, fundamentally requires nothing. Add the finest of anything to that and it’s not nothing. It’ll be your own personalized something.

JdR Audio 403

“The self isn’t, on its own, complete. It isn’t, on its own, whole. You are. And as you move within your self in a way that is true to you, that movement necessarily deconstructs your self and it comes back together differently, matching you.”

JdR Audio 400

“If you were to give multi-levelled power of attorney within to your awakening, there would be landslide change.”

JdR Audio 399

“Knowing in the high is exponentially complex. Knowing in the deep becomes exponentially simple. That’s where the simplest, most reduced equation rules everything that is equational.”

Q: My question is about how to deal with pride, how to dissolve it without dismissing what I am. John: Mark your words. Take care in what you use words for, and why. Don’t say things just because you can. If you have a…

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