Year: 2021

After the pain and loss of a broken relationship, is there anything left of the connection? John speaks of being given to the unseen bond that remains. Over-thinking and analyzing is another way of trying to manage the difficulties of life, but it’s being gentled and quieted in the heart that works.

Why is it so easy to forget to be the deepest that we really know, and carry on in the midst of life as we did before? And relating with others from new openness can mean feeling exposed, disconnected and out of control. Two questioners bring to John their difficulties with living their awakening.

The agreement we made before we came into this world, and the search for what we really are: topics that point to our true home within, an unseen level only accessed by the stillness of a listening heart.

JdR Audio 383

“You were born to be, here, what you have come from, and to journey back consciously before you die. Nothing is in the way. Anything that you think you have come into and want to keep in a self-created manner – that is in your way.”

Expansion into other realms opens a tender, divine level of humanness and the deep, inner purpose of being in this life. John describes how this extraordinary development brings with it the integration of masculine and feminine energies, sexuality of a celestial kind, and the power to move as a celestial being.

Why does John speak of purity of heart as the finest jewel in all of existence? What makes it so rare, and what is its connection to our humanness? John answers a young woman’s questions.

JdR Audio 382

“You just might turn into what you were before you came into a body, and what that will be in perhaps 10,000 years, a million or at all after you’ve died; what you are before you came into a body, coming here into terrible impossibility, brings this so close to you, so close that you might even just go in, like a moth to the fire.”

Q: I’ve felt such a magical connection in these last few days. It’s hard to put into words. I feel wide open. It feels so deep, yet so gently light. There’s electricity in my body and around me. My body’s vibrating and I’m wondering…

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