Year: 2015

JdR Audio 305

“There is only one thing that is deserving of awareness and that is the truth within that it knows. Everything else is a distraction and creates something that isn’t real.”

JdR Audio 297

“I’m engaging you, and in that I include your being and your deeper bodies. I’m inviting you, way within the deep, to engage. Use the powers that I’m using to move you; use them in me and use them to me.”

JdR Audio 296

“The deeper the levels of your own being that you move by in your sexuality, the higher your movement in reality. You are speed-developing your higher self. You’re developing ultimate perspective.”

JdR Audio 295

“The beast, from within its own core, beautifully responds to you being what you really are in the midst of whatever self you have. You singularly be what you really are, what you most deeply really are in the midst of the beast, and the beast will turn and love, just as you do.”

“Step right into the resonance of something that you know …” Here, three conversations at an informal lunch meeting with John reveal the common theme of how form is given to our future self.

In this video clip from the Tiruvannamalai live meetings and live streams with John de Ruiter, the questioner asks about Sri Ramana Maharshi’s process of self inquiry, asking ‘Who am I?’ and the connection to John’s teaching. John explains that asking ‘Who am I?’ can only take you to the awareness of the ‘I’ and that the real question should be ‘What am I?’ which can only be known, without thought or feeling, in direct realization.

Dr. Michael Wayne interviews John de Ruiter in New York. He speaks about his new book The Intelligence of Love: Manifesting your being in this world.

“The Intelligence of Love”, the new book by John de Ruiter was launched at ABC Carpet & Home in November 2015. Alan Steinfeld from interviews John de Ruiter during his visit in New York.This Interview covers topics from the book and from John’s teachings such as sexuality, parenting, and human evolution.

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