Year: 2015

Q: I do healing work and I’m very much into giving and helping others but you told me a while back that that’s not it. What did you mean by that? John: It’s a distraction, because you can only give what you come from….
Q: I grew up during the Second World War, and we had a philosophy that it’s safest to be quiet and not ask too many questions. Very late in life I realized that I’m really part of an interaction with everything in this world…
Q: I seem to have lost faith in a higher power and also a faith in myself. Can you help me with that? John: Instead of looking for a bigger power, power in yourself or a higher power, begin with the power that has…
Q: I was very touched by the image you gave of a sail boat. I can relate to that because I’ve done a lot of sailing, but I would like to know more about being in touch with the keel, and how to stay…

This person finds it hard to keep her heart open at work, but promoting open-heartedness in the work-place is her job. What to do?

Q: I have tapped into a consciousness of grief that I feel is not mine. It comes through me like a pipeline. I would like to let that go, because it does affect me, but I’m not sure how to go about it. John:…

John de-mystifies the dark, dead experience of depression and how to be free of it.

Q: I have a question about what it is to be in your heart. I feel it’s difficult to connect to it, and I’d like to know how to do it. John: When you open and soften, that naturally brings you right into your…

How is the best way to be with all the troubling events unfolding in the world? John’s answer connects this person to so much love in the midst of the chaos he experiences.

Q: Can sex be a pure expression of love? Whenever I have a relationship and it involves sex, something always goes wrong. I don’t know how to solve this. John: By being in your sexuality without connecting the movement of your sexual energy to…
Q: I would love to hear you speak about meaning moving – moving as love. It sounds so intriguing to me. John: Meaning is fundamental to what we really are. It’s because of that, that as selves and persons we are in pursuit of…
From the September 1, 2015 evening informal meeting with John de Ruiter in Nordegg, Canada Q: The word ‘meaning’ has such new, expansive and powerful impact for me, like an expanding accordion.  It touches me so much and I’m curious about why that is. John: Instead of…

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