Year: 2014

Q: It’s been such a rich experience for me to be here with you, and I’m grateful. My question is about fear. A year ago I was treated for cancer and my heart was damaged by the radiation. No one can tell me if…

JdR Audio 229

No one owes you anything. Then when someone does love you, that love goes all the way in. Their love for you is not personally used by you, it is personally all let in by you, making you vulnerable to its loss.

Q: Can I respond more? John: As a deeper level opens, you can respond as that level. Such a response is what is required for you to really come into that level. You don’t really know the level until you’re responding as that level….
Q: I’d like to ask about laying hold. I’ve been exploring laying hold, using the resonance within me that’s responding, and using that to move within me. I think I’ve been shy before now to move toward you in that way, but it seems…
Q: When my emotions come up, that’s something that I need to take care of. If my husband gets agitated and he’s lecturing me because of his own issues, I find that really compounds the difficulty. Is it alright to ask him to trust…

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“The more gentled and quieted you are in your heart, the more able you are to realize meaning.”

JdR Audio 227

“When you are in your heart and believing what you know in your heart, you can’t relate to fear. When you are in your heart, you love.”

JdR Audio 226

“If  you use what you first are to heal your body, you’re using it for result. You’re creating a reward in your experience, a reward for you being what you first are. That separates you from what you first are.”

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