Year: 2014

JdR Audio 249

“When you are in your heart, regardless of where your self is at, you cannot relate to fear. When you are in your heart, you love.

Q: I would really like to continue the conversation we had earlier about relationship, when you said that in a dear relationship you move as one heart. Is it that a new heart is being created from the two of us? John: Yes, similar…

“There’s much to be unlearned.” An extraordinary description of what real sexuality is, how its deeper levels are not dependent on physical sexuality, and the significance of the heart in coming together with another.

JdR Audio 256

“To really evolve as awareness, be just like your own being in a self like yours and on a planet like this one.”

Q: John, I find I can get really quite angry in social interactions where I feel unfairly treated. It happened recently that I wanted to speak with someone who refused because I was getting angrier. There’s a point at which I close off. I’m wondering…

JdR Audio 248

“As you respond to the depth of awakening in you, what you come into is entirely alien to your self, but it is everything you know the truth of. It’s alien to your self and for you it is deep home.”

This person is impacted by what’s so dear to her heart and John describes how dearness has immediate access to anything it awakens to.

JdR Audio 247

“When you are in full response to what you know, you must have. When on a deeper level you must have, there is no time.”

JdR Audio 255

Your response to what you know needs to be a landslide response. Everything that’s yours, all of the particulars of your self and your life, go with it.

Q: I told you about the experience I had which took me into the centre of something, as if I were a magnet. That starts to happen when I’m in that solidity of knowing. Is it to just be in that solidity? John: Yes….

“What you give your power to is going to work.” This conversation lays bare how awareness distorts, and John shares the story of his awakening.

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