Year: 2010

Q: I have a burning question about a relationship with a man I’ve been with for some time. I dread being with him, basically. I shut down, and I don’t know if that signifies an ending. When I’m away from him I have space…

This dialogue addresses a woman’s question of whether or not to have a child. John shows her all the complexities she would be taking on and shares the possibility of raising a child with opened genetics, through being the grace of her own deepest orientation.

When you awaken to what is deeper than your self, you find that your self isn’t at the centre of everything, it’s not the main focus. When you believe this awakening, you go through a profound shift, and your self begins to match your deeper levels. As you continue to awaken, your self turns into a deeper and a higher self. A beautiful and elaborate teaching about how to sustain your awakening, keep developing, and function in this world.

Parents face many challenging and stressful situations with their children every day, where practical needs seem to conflict with the ability to stay relaxed and kind. In this dialogue we find out how we can stay connected with our heart while addressing difficulties, and how children learn from their parents how to handle stress in a caring and effective way.

Q: Your talk about beauty touched something deep within. My whole childhood I felt ugly. Now I’m beginning to experience more beauty inside and outside. I’ve never felt a victim. I developed certain patterns that helped along the way. Trust is quite a big…

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