Year: 2004

JdR Audio 006

Track 1: 40min
Track 2: 26min

Q: You have been talking about the intellect. I’m not an intellectual type; I’m more oriented to feeling. John: Yet you have an intellect and you can use that to help that which you already know, and you can also feel. Q: I can feel what…

JdR Audio 005

• The real you instead of an adopted you
• A benevolent custodian of your person
• Your very nature:  Profound
• The administrator of meaning and value
• Trusting being tender subtlety

JdR Audio 004

• Your conscious connection with knowing
• You can only address the foundation that you are able to identify
• You cannot use what you secondly are to be what you first are
• Giving your age profound meaning
• Only an issue of identity
• Nothing is wasted

JdR Audio 003

• Able to see the “within” in everything that is without
• Knowing” within a person, instead of a person that knows something
• The more innermost you are the more outermost you have
• Awareness freed within your person
• Awareness that knows within everything
• The entrance in the real beginning

JdR Audio 002

• A very delicate quality instead of a person
• Infusing your practical world with profound meaning
• Profound okayness;  profound joy
• Earning Reality by being it
• A complete shift of awareness
• Your only profound concern

JdR Audio 001

• What is in your heart becomes your heart

• The more profound and yet so subtle knowing

• The delicate remains, the fragile passes

• The personal into alignment with the Profound

• You are vastly multilevelled and multifaceted

• Loving empowering what you know

Q: I’m struck by the immense emotions I have felt in just making eye-contact with you. Your teachings about honesty are what I’m looking for: not only to be honest but to speak, act and live my life in honesty. I had a dream…

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