Deeper Sense

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When: March 24, 2014
Evening Open Mic
Where: ,

Q: What do you mean by ‘deeper sense’?

John: A deeper sense is a non-cognitive process and it’s also not a common sense. A deeper sense is when something is not clear with a cognitive sense or common sense, so you go to a deeper sense. If you don’t have clarity about something on any level and you need to have some clarity, then you go to a deeper sense. It’s a level in which you’ll have very little to go by but just a touch of something in one direction.

Q: It’s very subtle then?

John: Very subtle. Even to have just a touch that lends in a direction may not give you something specific to do, but it helps. It’s far from nothing.

Q: For me would that come to a feeling?

John: Yes.

Q: Do I get that in my self or in a deeper level?

John: It’s like intuition. You can use your intuition for your self, for what you know, or your heart or your mind. Whatever you’re focused on for a deeper sense, the deeper sense will serve. Whenever you change what you’re looking at, the deeper sense will change.

Q: There’s often a question of where we’re at. That discerning is almost a deeper sense, isn’t it? Like when we ask a question, it’s always going to that subtle deeper sense?

John: Unless something is even clearer within.

Q: Is that the same as when you see something, like when I saw something in India and I said to you I saw what I saw and what I thought I saw? And you said, you have a deeper sense.

John: Yes. The value of a deeper sense is that it always gives you your direction. While your self may be filled with resistances, ideas, or preferences, your deeper sense will always indicate where to go. You may not like it, but the deeper sense will keep directing you if you’re open to it. The other thing about deeper senses, is that once you let it in, there will be more.

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