Topic: Relationship

JdR Audio 370

“A fundamental shift is when you ground directly into what you know, instead of into your experience and into your self. That changes your destiny.”

This man has had vivid experiences on his spiritual journey but it has taken a lot of energy. He feels disconnected from everyday things, making difficult even his wish to find a partner. John shows him where the problem lies, how to be with his spiritual experiences, and how to become ready for a real relationship.

In this dialogue, John gives a rare description of the potential of true relationship between man and woman: a nest for the complete integration of masculine and feminine energies, where oneness can flow in love and grace.

Q: My relationship with a man is very difficult.  I wonder if he’s the wrong man for me, or the difficulty is because of something in me? Can you help? John: Any time that you have difficulty, the difficulty is first your self. When…
Q: I want to talk about forgiveness. We’re often told to forgive this and forgive that, but if we’re really coming from our heart there is no need for forgiveness.  John: Yes. When you hold a grudge, or when you’re closing and hardening towards…


The woman in this dialogue wonders if the break-up of her relationship means she should close and withdraw. John shows her the way into the deeper connectedness of love and the timeless nature of bonds.

Q: I have a burning question about a relationship with a man I’ve been with for some time. I dread being with him, basically. I shut down, and I don’t know if that signifies an ending. When I’m away from him I have space…


We often feel our heart opening when we say yes to someone. But is it possible to say no and still be open? John describes how to make every interaction like putting gold into someone’s pocket, whether your response to them is yes or no.

Q: My question is about family. How can we be with family in our hearts when we feel very different from them? John: When you’re in your heart, you’ll see in the others what isn’t different. Your whole sense of meaning in being together…

A newly married woman is exploring how to give more outer form to her marriage, and discovering what it means to grow in realness, togetherness and deeper sexuality with her husband.

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