Topic: Relationship


Q: Hello, John. My partner and I have been living together for the past six months. Many times I’ve wondered whether that was kind or skillful because of the pain and suffering that arise in the relationship. If I had had my time over,…
Several people speak with John in the Jewel Cafe: Q1: Things are better with my daughter. John: It’s better between you and your self. Q1: What do you mean by “better between me and my self”? John: It’s not really between you and your…
Q: We have a lot of stress at home because my husband doesn’t have full time work. We’ve talked about how he gets himself into these situations, but he doesn’t seem to want to hear anything from me. It’s his learning, but it’s also very…

Though the man in this dialogue has awakened to deeper levels of reality, he wonders how he can give form to what’s immaterial. John describes how this deeper reality is made physical, awakening the brain and body to a multi-dimensional communion.

Q: My question is about how to be in the ending of a relationship. My partner has decided it’s not right for him to be with me and I’m ready to let go, to see the good in what is there between us and…
Excerpts from two cafe conversations on building a real relationship: Q: I am wondering whether a relationship I am in is real, and whether we’re a match. Can you help me figure this out? John: To simplify it, stay away from being sexually physical….
Q: I notice in my intimate, sexual relationships that I can be in a moment of openness, comfort and radiance, and then if I’m spoken to in a way that feels aggressive, unkind or mean I’m very quick to close my heart and my…

After the pain and loss of a broken relationship, is there anything left of the connection? John speaks of being given to the unseen bond that remains. Over-thinking and analyzing is another way of trying to manage the difficulties of life, but it’s being gentled and quieted in the heart that works.

An underlying need for approval undermines this young man’s confidence, particularly when it comes to women he is attracted to. John reveals the source of this experience and shows him the way to an authentic, relaxed way of being in any circumstance.

Q: As I’m sitting here together with my husband, can you speak with us about the relationship? Do the man and the woman have roles? John: Where there is a use of personality in relating to each other, there will be an emptiness just…
Q: The tenderness and beauty that I know within is so easy to be in when I’m alone, and with some people it is easy. With others it’s much more difficult! John: That’s where it matters more. Q: There are a couple of people…

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