Topic: Pain & Suffering

Q: Some months ago I made a really brave decision and ever since then I’ve felt happy and really powerful. My heart is open most of the time. I feel love and can help a lot of people, but then there is a huge…

JdR Audio 373

“Deeper sexuality cleans by virtue of what it is: it’s clean. It’s clean of all attraction and aversion.”

Q: I have difficulty with difficulty! I seem to perceive life as difficult, with everything becoming a mission to be overcome, successfully. I keep thinking I’m doing things wrong and it prevents me from really enjoying life. John: Any time that you have a…


For the most part, emotional pain is considered something to be avoided. But what if emotional pain was actually an invitation to something much deeper? In this dialogue John illustrates how profound honesty in the midst of pain is a pathway to what we really are.


Q: I’m afraid to speak in front of people. When I was a child I didn’t speak and I want to learn how to do it. John: You have a difficulty with speaking because speaking makes you vulnerable. It makes you feel exposed and…

A woman who is visited by her experience of sexual abuse as a child wants to be able to leave her past in the past. John shows her how, as quiet love, she can be authentically at peace with her experience; that this – and all else in her subconscious – can truly heal.

Frustrated by a lack of understanding, this questioner feels he’s not getting the help he needs to connect with his heart and the honesty John speaks of. By way of a simple metaphor, John illustrates the way out of frustration into surrender.

Q: I feel out of control in my life. Something seems to affect my work and personal life and I don’t know what to do about it. It’s as if I’m influenced by an archetype and keep becoming a scapegoat. I find it difficult…
Q: I have been deeply trapped in a vicious circle my whole life. For thirty-five years I was addicted to heroin and cocaine. Although the drugs have stopped, the addiction has continued. It was covering up a deep grief and sadness coming from my…
Q: In recent weeks I’ve felt very strong survival issues and my survival seems more important than anything else. I feel a very deep, primal fear. John: Have no issue with it. It’s clear: you are not going to survive. You’re going to die,…

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