Topic: Meaning of Life

Q: I would love to hear you speak about meaning moving – moving as love. It sounds so intriguing to me. John: Meaning is fundamental to what we really are. It’s because of that, that as selves and persons we are in pursuit of…


JdR Audio 303

“The way of freedom that is universal is you, awareness, despite the condition of your body, your self, and your life, opening and softening in your heart at any personal cost.”

JdR Audio 300

“The deeper the level that you come from consciously as awareness, the greater the unseen power from within your being that infuses your self. In that way, from within that level of destiny, you are able to clearly know your future.”

Q: How do I learn and live my life’s purpose? John: By first so deeply not needing a life purpose. You’re burdened with wanting to have purpose; it blinds you of any authentic purpose. When you’re trying to have it, you can’t see it….
Q: As I sit here, I feel like I’m on a boat alone and the water is still and there’s no wind. I’m standing at the front of the boat, and I know that I’m waiting for something, and yet I don’t know what….



The person in this dialogue explores with John the implications of awakening and living right-side up in this world.

All you ever need to know about the opportunity of this life for our evolution as awareness, and the effects we’ll see later of squandering it.

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