Topic: Meaning of Life



Q: I spend most of my days doing things I enjoy, but I’ve noticed since I’ve moved to New York, my stress levels are increasing and I feel very much caught up by life. I’m wondering if there’s a way that I can continue…
Q: Hi, John. I’m home, but how do I stay this when I’m not here? What best serves me? John: By not using your person or even your self for your being there. In your life your being a person separates you from your…
Q: Will you speak about the difference of knowing and living the truth. How can I know what the truth is? John: You have always known it. But it is so simple that it has been easy to overlook. The very simplest of what you know is…
Q: I can’t really ask a question or something, it is just a fear. There is so much fear inside me, of being alone and I can’t really… John: When you fear being alone, that makes you lonely. When within, you let yourself completely relax into…

A frank conversation that tackles the value placed on lifestyle, revealing the opportunity for transformation in apparent sacrifice.

Q : About two weeks ago I shared with you that I felt higher frequency in my belly, and you said it was deeper willingness which hadn’t integrated in my self. Last week when I was walking in the park, I felt a similar…
Q: I’d like to know why I don’t have a flow in my finance, home and work. John: For you that isn’t going to come easily. For some, with a little added awareness, there’s a lot of result; for you it would require much…
Q: Hi, John I’m just back from a Zen retreat. I was there sitting for five hours a day looking at a wall, questioning myself: ‘who am I?’ What I found was that I don’t know. I don’t know who is sitting here. I…


Q: Lately I’ve been confused about God. Is there only one God or several Gods? John: Despite anything that you’ve learned, despite the conditioning of your upbringing and your experiences, despite any of your reading, despite any of your perceptions, despite anything that you…

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