Topic: Introductory

John’s response to this woman’s call for help with what to do with her anger goes straight to the point. His practical suggestion is followed by a full explanation of what’s really happening when we’re angry.


Asked the ultimate question, “What happens after death?”. John answers the question in simple, yet concise terms, revealing what we really are and our sole purpose for being born. He goes on to describe the basics of what he’s doing in meetings and how we can take that out into our lives, where it matters most.

This woman feels that she and her partner are no longer really together in the deeper purpose of relationship but hoping that might change. What is the value of commitment, and will marriage help? This is a talk about what relationship is for, and what’s required from both if they are to build together.

In this dialogue, a young man says he’s ready for ultimate truth, and learns from John what that would actually require.


Human sexuality is much more magical and powerful than most of us have realized; our physical bodies and sexual anatomy are already configured to connect with our inter-dimensional being. How can we move into that potential? John explains.


A question about what we are after we’ve died opens up a fine and detailed teaching on what we will be able to see and know after death, revealing what our life was really for.


This woman feels the responsibility of bringing a child into this world and wants to know how to raise a child without doing harm. The best parenting is not what we may have thought. Here’s what a child really needs from its mother.


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