Topic: Consciousness & Awareness



A cancer diagnosis and the realization that she might soon die has awakened a new sense of purpose in this person. What is the secret to going home, within, before her physical death?

JdR Audio 402

“The Calling moves by presence and not by power. There is no use of power that can stop it. Every resistance and every response feeds it. It’s how the truth moves.”


“What you really are is more like breath than flesh and bone…” A rich and detailed teaching on the meaning of surrender and how it changes our manner, bringing transformation and the composure, within, that has no form.


“The food for your soul while you’re in a body is difficulty and pressure.” John explains why this is so, why the soul is so difficult to see until after we die, and what our soul’s evolution is dependent on.

The responsibilities that come with working in the world can feel stressful. Is there a way of moving more lightly in it all? John explains how it’s all dependent on what we belong to, within.



JdR Audio 401

“When you remain being what you really are, then it’s love that realizes the mind. It’s love that lives in it. Then the whole mind becomes an exploratorium for love.”

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