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Month: October









Q: I see that I often take responsibility for things which are not my responsibility. Can you help me figure out what real responsibility is in daily life? John: Having real responsibility in your life opens when all of your responsibility belongs to the…

This dialogue explores the topic of mind: what is subtle mind? Universal mind? What about our patterned mind, and what transforms it? John reveals the role of innocence and unconditional openness in having a mind free of patterns – an intimate, living, subtle mind.

Q: It’s a rare opportunity to sit with someone like you and I’m trying to think of the best question. Is there a benefit in verbally asking a question and being answered? John: Anything that is real is worth it.    Q: I’ve read…
Q: What is real love? John: It is the most wonderful, life-giving and healing energy in the universe. It cannot comprehend frustration. It cannot be bothered or bugged. It cannot be frustrated, because love is not frustration. It cannot be provoked to be anything…

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