Month: May





The questioner had an experience where the structure of himself dissolved and everything was love. But when the experience dissipated, old structures returned. John explains that the experience is a beloved messenger. Instead of wanting the messenger to return, we can abide in the message it brings. When the knowing in the experience is enough, we become the same as the message.

What to do when wonderful awakening experiences fade away, and resistance, fear and suffering return to our experience? John reminds us that we know something much deeper within, which is different than our self. Suffering is in the self, it comes from what is familiar. There is no suffering in knowing, in being in what knowing is in our heart; and there is no suffering in the purity of liking. Liking knowing the deep within removes the suffering. It’s easy, natural, direct and immediate.

What is love? How do we find it? Do we really need it? In this dialogue the questioner asks John to explain his statement “love is not an experience, love is what you are.” In response, John expands on the different kinds of love and how to go beyond the surface and discover a deep and subtle, unconditioned love not based on experience or need.

People ask John questions after watching the movie Arrival. Topics discussed include:
• Real communication occurs when your heart and anything deeper fills your self. – limiting that infilling – is you limiting real communication.
• Within real communication, there is real listening… contingent on your heart and anything deeper.
• misinterpreting something – is conclusion that’s being drawn in your self that in your self you don’t know the truth of, so that conclusion doesn’t have the support of everything that’s deeper than your self.
• As soon as you’re coming from what’s deeper than your self what you come into is that it’s all done
• as soon as you apply that to what matters in your self you separate from what is all done, so you create something that isn’t real: illusion.
• Your self needs to be close to your heart and everything deeper… melts away what you think matters much.
• It’s for your self to take the shape of your heart and everything deeper
• as soon as your self is used to take the shape of what you like and don’t like, what you want and what you don’t want, your self as a separate form from your heart and everything deeper, turns into a kind of mobility and a power that offers no depth of meaning.


In this talk, John talks about deeper human sexuality. If you are new to Johns teachings and lingo you may need to watch this one a few times to understand the dialogue! Relax and enjoy the transmission…

Q: The oneness you’ve talked about is there in the being and in the heart, right? John: As soon as you go into your heart, there’s going to be a little bit of oneness in your heart. As soon as you’re acquainted with that…

John describes how inner peace is not dependent on no one mistreating you, and it’s possible to exist in a level that isn’t dependent on experience.

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