Month: June



Q:  When I’m together with my wife and she pours into me, I drop into deeper levels. I remember you saying that one has to move the energy within the levels to anchor this greater reality into this reality. How can I move that…
Q: I lived on a mountain, which I loved, and they’ve put in microwave towers. I’ve had heart attacks and strokes. I’ve been in hospital with all those symptoms and met the pain and shock running through my brain. I’ve been in this wonderful…

How is the heart that John speaks about different from the place in us that gets entangled in relationships and drama? Their conversation reveals the heart as much more than this, and we discover its role in the formation of our light body.

This woman is touched by John sharing what sexuality is really for and wants to know what it means to be a woman. John shares the subtle differences between man and woman, and shows her how to invite and move in her sexuality anew – this time aligned to the delicacies of its deeper mystery.

Q: Since my baby was conceived I’ve seen how grounded my self is in certain beliefs. I’ve moved into what opening and softening really is in connection to the baby, and it’s something very different. What does it truly mean to be a mother…
Q: Hi, John. This is the first time I’ve met you. I had a very short relationship about one and a half years ago and it’s still very painful. I can’t understand why I can’t let it go. How can I feel that love,…

John guides a young man in his awakening experience, helping him to see the truth in what he’s knowing, realizing that as alien as the experience is to his habitual self, that he was not born for anything else.

The gift of being judgment-free has inspired this woman to go deeper into her heart. John shows her how to be taken by the delicacies in a flower, the sky and the stars, and how to follow through by letting these touches of being inform her womanness.

Q: My question is to do with my daughter. Sometimes I think I’m too judgmental and don’t accept her personality. I’m always thinking about what others think of her, wanting her to be a certain way. It’s hard for me to accept that she…

“What is the relationship between darkness and light? Should we try to stay in the light and avoid the darkness? In this dialogue, John explains the meaning of the dark and the true source of the light and its relevance to the way of enlightenment. “

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