Month: June




Q: I have a question about vulnerability and the fear of being hurt. I want to surrender completely to vulnerability, but every time I try there come some images and feelings that are not from this life. They are really old – very strong…




Though the man in this dialogue has awakened to deeper levels of reality, he wonders how he can give form to what’s immaterial. John describes how this deeper reality is made physical, awakening the brain and body to a multi-dimensional communion.


• The purpose of the universe
• Intimate connectivity of meaning and essence
• When you are in your heart, you cannot help but give
• Real relationship: a partnership in givenness


* Note: this video is slightly out of sync with the audio.
Two participants speak with John for the first time, each wanting his help to move deeper, within. How can we flow in the world as what we really are without creating more self, or becoming caught in the mind? There is only one way, an absolute, universal truth, and it is natural to you.

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