Month: December




Q: I lost my job. I can see there’s opportunity in it and at the moment I’m struggling to see what to do next – whether to find another job in the same line or whether to make a change. Losing my job brings up…

In what John describes as the legitimate and wonderful pull towards sexual union, there’s no room for want or need, hope or disappointment. This dialogue takes a deep dive into the topic of sexuality and power, and how it can all come to rest in a fully opened heart.

Q: I want to know how best to support my son in what he’s going through both physically and emotionally while I’m so far away. We’ve had some lovely conversations on the phone, but afterwards I felt he was missing me and it was…

After great experiences of inner surrender, awakening and peace, why is it that distracting thoughts and emotions return? John reveals the way from a divided heart to one rooted in knowing and how that gives rise to nurturing thought and feeling.

Q: I notice in my intimate, sexual relationships that I can be in a moment of openness, comfort and radiance, and then if I’m spoken to in a way that feels aggressive, unkind or mean I’m very quick to close my heart and my…

Why should we treat others with fairness and kindness when they don’t treat us that way? John reveals how the surrendering of our sense of entitlement to love is a necessary desert that must be crossed before the embodiment of what we really are can be lived. 

As part of a special New Year’s Eve live stream, John responds to questions uppermost in our minds as we navigate the challenges and decisions facing us in our COVID-changed world.



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