Location: Winter Seminar

JdR Audio 296

“The deeper the levels of your own being that you move by in your sexuality, the higher your movement in reality. You are speed-developing your higher self. You’re developing ultimate perspective.”




JdR Audio 295

“The beast, from within its own core, beautifully responds to you being what you really are in the midst of whatever self you have. You singularly be what you really are, what you most deeply really are in the midst of the beast, and the beast will turn and love, just as you do.”

“Your self has no part in this.” There is a way to move with your being, and John explains the delicacies of communication and complete surrender that make it possible.

This person is standing on the edge of a completely different sexuality, a sexuality belonging to her being that has the potential to be released into everything.

JdR Audio 260

“Humanness has little to do with your self and everything to do with the opening of your heart in all of your self. Your sexuality is your engine in that. It is the engine of your humanness.”


JdR Audio 258

“While you are in response, you are drawn deeper and deeper, within less and less, until you are oneness unadorned.”


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