Location: The Netherlands

Q: I’d like to know why I don’t have a flow in my finance, home and work. John: For you that isn’t going to come easily. For some, with a little added awareness, there’s a lot of result; for you it would require much…
John: With your self not needing to hold together, not needing to be your life-feed and your source, it is able to live. Your self then no longer has your desperate grasp in it, enabling you to develop as a being in it. Movement…
Q: Good morning, John. I have a question about what you call the being or beingness. You say this deconstruction of the self is not possible by means of the self but only from a deeper level, and I’m not sure what you mean…
Q: Hi, John I’m just back from a Zen retreat. I was there sitting for five hours a day looking at a wall, questioning myself: ‘who am I?’ What I found was that I don’t know. I don’t know who is sitting here. I…

JdR Audio 230

“What awakens the deeper levels in you is love. What sustains the awakening of the deeper levels in you is love.”



Q: It’s been such a rich experience for me to be here with you, and I’m grateful. My question is about fear. A year ago I was treated for cancer and my heart was damaged by the radiation. No one can tell me if…



JdR Audio 229

No one owes you anything. Then when someone does love you, that love goes all the way in. Their love for you is not personally used by you, it is personally all let in by you, making you vulnerable to its loss.

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