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Location: The Netherlands


JdR Audio 287

“Separation cannot exist on its own. When nothing remains to support it, when it receives no power, separation returns to its own source.”



People are responding worldwide to John de Ruiter and his message of knowing and meaning. John currently holds events in India, Israel, Canada, and several countries in Europe. These international retreats include meetings, informal gatherings and oftentimes meals shared with John. People also connect via webcast as part of a wider international community. This Video was recorded at the Venwoude Retreat with John de Ruiter, in Lage Vuursche, The Netherlands.

The person in this conversation enjoys her experience of leaning back into the joy of knowing, and John describes the value of leaning forward and how it makes our forms available to being changed.

Q: I hope to get more ability and clarity. I saw that I took my self to heart for a long time and I feel embarrassing and awkward. John: Instead of feeling embarrassed and awkward in your self, with a little shift you can…






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