Location: Summer Seminar


JdR Audio 193

“If you are a seed, then as a seed you go down into the deep, into the dark, where there’s no light, and you don’t come back. What evolves comes back not at all the same. Its relating is altogether different. What comes back then is alien to what it comes into. It doesn’t alienate what it comes back into. It alienizes what it comes back into. When it comes back, it informs what it comes into.”



JdR Audio 149

“If your innermost sexuality with all of its consequent levels and regions do not belong to what knowing is, then you are, as awareness, in real ways, forbidden to enter meaning.”

JdR Audio 148

“Knowing, manifest in your body, outlines capacity and ability, revealing to you your multi-leveled, multi-faceted function as reality, and your part in that, in the function of all of our greater body.”


JdR Audio 094

“When you are lost, completely lost into your body of knowledge, you are lost to your self. Your self has nothing in you, even though you function in it. Your self, as what it was, does not have you anymore.”

JdR Audio 093

“Pure vulnerability is what the personal is made for, pure vulnerability through which everything that you are as a being moves. The result is beauty.”

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