Location: Israel

Q: My question is about the expression of the calling. How is it different from other expressions? John: The calling is of a deeper level than any of your other levels. For the calling to come into expression, the level of the calling needs…


The topic of want, need and sexual appetite is unveiled in this conversation. John describes profound sexuality and its connection to deeper womanness.

Q: I have a question about ADD. When I’m studying, thoughts come and I can’t focus any more. I am able to go within and be in my heart whilst it’s happening, but I am still not able to study. John: Then you’re going…
Q: I have a question about ADD. When I’m studying, thoughts come and I can’t focus anymore. I am able to go within and be in my heart whilst it’s happening, but I am still not able to study. John: Then you’re going into…




Addressing the relative importance of physical health and beauty, John encourages being in your heart, no matter the condition of your body.

There isn’t a process to being with what you love. It doesn’t require effort. You will naturally be with what you value more. Honesty puts awareness into what it deeply knows it values the most.” To define “what you know the truth of,” John explains how truth is as natural and immediate as the connection between two in love.

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