Location: Interactive Livestream



The man in this dialogue is ready to make whatever sacrifices necessary to let go of the self and move deeper into his being. He discusses with John his various practices, and the two-edged sword of any doing to be becomes clear. Together they arrive at the only way that works.

“How can I find me, again?” In the midst of the challenges of being a new mother, the young woman in this dialogue feels that she’s lost touch with the depth she once knew. John shares what matters, and gives her a very practical tip.

JdR Audio 385

“The midnight being is you, there: you, before you came into this body, here, but wiped of all knowledge of what you were before. All you have as a being to live by are tiny, tiny little bits of direct knowledge that don’t offer you information. They offer you beautifully blind, original centredness which plays itself out in your humanness.”



• The purpose of being in a body
• Becoming a pure being, living the real in everyday life
• You as awareness: like a newborn baby





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