Location: Germany

JdR Audio 173

“When you experience discomfort in your nervous system and at the same time you move into a restedness in your heart, you’ll be going against your own nervous system. You’ll be restedness in the midst of an inflamed nervous system.”


JdR Audio 172

“When your beingness opens, your heart opens. You’re able to open your heart and to let your heart soften in the midst of any experience and any circumstance. Your beingness is your real power.”



JdR Audio 171

“When the deeper opens up and you begin to perceive, not through your self, but through the seeing that is in your own being, you’re seeing what furnishes meaning. You’re seeing the underlying production of meaning, how meaning actually moves, how it connects, how it gives nurture.”


JdR Audio 160

“You don’t need an effort of will for you to be honest to knowing. You need only you as awareness and you as knowing, at rest together, in agreement.”

JdR Audio 159

“You need to love and you are not going to love unless you are responding directly to knowing. Love is the result of knowing. Love is the movement of you directly knowing. Love is the beingness of real knowledge. Love is the result of you being what you are, what you really are.”

JdR Audio 146

“If you’re blind, be sweetly blind. That brings you into a different kind of seeing.”

JdR Audio 145

“When you listen with your heart, it takes you out of your self and puts you in your heart. When you are in your heart, love listening to what you know the truth of in your heart. It’s your way home; it’s your return.”

JdR Audio 130

“As the sentiments of loyalty to family pass away, what replaces the old form of family is a functional, clear goodness team where everything is for what is more than each other.”

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