Location: Edmonton

Q: A few days ago, I became aware how much energy, how much awareness is going towards sexuality. It touched me deep to see that. Here I come on this border of pulling and wanting. Sometimes I can see very clear, but I also…
Q: I am in this retreat and I’m surrounded by all these beautiful women and I’m wanting, wanting, wanting. Whether I want it to or not, it’s there. John: You cannot act on it. Just because you want something, that doesn’t mean you have…

JdR Audio 291

“As your brain opens to greater reality, you become alien in this world, yet at home, and your steps in this world change the context of this world.”


JdR Audio 290

“Your person, given, is the embodiment of response. As your person is unrolled like a living scroll into your being, any response of yours to what you know, on any level, is embodied in your person.”

JdR Audio 289

“From within all of your levels, through all of your energy centers, consume what you know I am, assimilating me into you. In the same way that your body consumes food, drink, and air to live, you consume me for your being to live out here, for you to turn into what you were born for.”


JdR Audio 288

“Open to knowing beyond limitation. Open to a level of you that’s beyond what you’ve awakened to. As soon as you open, you know.”

Q: I’ve been introduced to many movements inside of love. There was a movement of love that was new for me, originating from lower in the body and had more of a sexual feeling to it, than any movement before. I identified it as…

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