Location: Edmonton



JdR Audio 311

“The sense of individuality is in your self and your person, but it belongs to your being.”

Q: Would you talk to me about the switch in which power is given from the self to the being? I’ve heard you say that eventually we will all come to that point. I feel very stretched in my self. All my surface levels…

JdR Audio 310

“The deeper you go, the less you are, until you are as nothing, and that code holds by you being it while you are being something. The principle of that manifests as humility. Within the levels of your being, it manifests as power.”

JdR Audio 309

“Any amount of disturbance in your self is newly-found power that you give to your being. The upset dissolves because its power is removed, and at the same time your being becomes more physical.”


Q: What is this sense of energetic transmission that I feel? A month ago I read your little book The Intelligence of Love: Manifesting Your Being In This World and I felt this immense peace and energetic transmission. John: You are linking up through…
Q: I need to let go of everything to be home, and when I try to hold on to something for my self, then I’m lost.  It’s okay to let go of someone who I’m holding onto because in my self I feel like that’s…

John responds to this person’s search for the cause of her anxiety and sense of separation, even from God.

Q: I wanted to talk to you about trauma. John: Trauma or drama? Drama creates trauma. Trauma is the damages of drama. Q: I see myself playing with it, and it starts because of feeling that I can’t feel this feeling. I resist feelings…
Q: I was very touched by the image you gave of a sail boat. I can relate to that because I’ve done a lot of sailing, but I would like to know more about being in touch with the keel, and how to stay…

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